Ngwuputa & nke Geology

Diamond na-eme ka ezé na injinia

WUHN Neesetones Cafinasives Co., LTD nwere teknụzụ nke ezì nke diamond. Nnukwu mmetụta na-emetụta na elu na-eyi na-eyi ezé ndị mejupụtara ezé abụrụla nhọrọ kachasị mma iji dochie ngwaahịa ụgbọ ala ciment cent. Ndụ ọrụ nke diamond na-eme ka ezé dị elu dị ka ugboro 10 nke ciment carbide catbide na-egbu egbu. Ezé bọl-na-eme ka ezumike, ezé na-ahụ maka ezé na ezé ndị ọzọ na-eto eto na-etolite nnukwu aha na China. The products are widely used in petroleum PDC drill bits, high-end roller cone bits, high-pressure down-the-hole drill bits, rotary excavation picks, In the field of superhard tools such as coal mining picks, double-wheel milling picks, and road milling and planing teeth, the product categories are rich and complete, with more than 40 kinds of tooth shapes ranging from 5mm to 30mm in diameter, A nwekwara ike ịhazi ya dịka mkpa ndị ahịa si dị.